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Contact Information:


Direct phone/text: (703) 508-7384



Revitalize Design by Val Valdez is a boutique-style firm that caters to busy professionals with demanding careers, retirees with traveling itineraries, and families with eventful calendars, all of whom share the same goal: finding a seasoned designer committed to improving their most valuable possession, their home.

Val’s enthusiastic and honest approach to interior design aligns with her vivacious personality and zest for life. Her clients will attest that her fervor for transformation is her fuel. Whether it is through a better lighting plan, a change in color scheme or palette, or a full blown remodeling project, she feeds off design dilemmas and is creatively forthright when expressing exactly how to rectify design challenges.

With over 20 years of experience, native Washingtonian, Val Valdez, interior designer/owner of Revitalize Design by Val Valdez has shared her passion and design expertise with homeowners and businesses in the DC market. Val’s design training began at the Art Institute of Philadelphia studying interior design. A large part of her design acumen comes from working on commercial projects specializing in healthcare and retail interiors. She graduated magna cum laude from The George Washington University with a Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design and minor in Art History. She received the Distinctive Design Award at her convocation.

Most recently featured at the Home and Remodeling Show in Chantilly, VA, Revitalize Design showcased the 1,400 square foot prop house inside the Dulles Expo Center in an eclectic design highlighting Hollywood Regency and Mid-Century Modern eras.

Revitalize Design by Val Valdez represents Val’s vision for renewing spaces, bringing them back to life, and waking them up! It is proud to be a small firm offering the principal’s hands-on expertise, making each project a stress-free and enjoyable experience.


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