Dr. Leonard Poe, DC is a Chiropractor and Applied Kinesiologist serving Broadlands, VA and surrounding areas. In practice, Dr. Poe combines the fields of Chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Rehabilitative Medicine. Core Concepts Chiropractic by Roselle is primarily concerned with structural, chemical and emotional imbalance in the diagnosis of health problems. If one of these factors becomes deficient or overburdened, poor dysfunctional health is the result. Treatments are developed and implemented based on this principle. Our goal is to help people achieve good health and raise their health potential naturally, without the use of medicine or surgery. Core Concepts Chiropractic by Roselle is committed to providing holistic solutions to address your unique needs. Even if you're looking to improve your overall health, we can help you attain your everyday wellness goals! Visit our testimonials page to find out what our patients are saying about our Broadlands chiropractor and our chiropractic care plans.
At your first visit to Core Concepts Chiropractic by Roselle, Dr. Leonard Poe will explain how chiropractic and holistic care works and give you a full evaluation to see if our solutions are a good fit to address your needs. If there is a good fit, we can customize a plan of care for your condition and health goals.
If you have not been to a chiropractor before and want to find out more, please Email Us or call 703-723-4178 to receive the answers to your questions from our experienced team. We also welcome referrals, so we invite you to share our chiropractic and wellness information with your friends and loved ones.
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